Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tiger hurt again

Is Tiger Woods greatness all but gone?

Tiger Woods was once an untouchable athlete.  Good looks, talent and a super model wife would make any man jealous.  However, over the past five years all that magic seems to have dwindled away.

Tiger was forced to retire from the Bridgestone invitational after only eight holes on Sunday. This was only his third tournament since his last surgery.  Ever since Tiger's private life became public notice, he seems to run into set back after set back on the golf course.

Tiger has incentive to still be playing.  Jack Nicklaus' s 18 Major championships is in sight. At one point it seemed like a guarantee Tiger would surpass Jack.  Due to the injury bug and a nasty divorce, that proposition doesn't seem so certain.

In recent years Tiger's career has taken on the characteristics of some of the most troubled athletes in recent history.  His body is breaking down like Allen Iverson, while his private life has taken on the persona of Mike Tyson.  His injury report resembles that of a Starting NFL tailback.

If Tiger misses the next major that will make seven.  Jack didn't miss his seventh major tournament until the age of 61.  This year could be the first time Tiger has played in less than two majors since 1994.

Are the days of Tiger Woods dominating the world of golf over?  Rory McIlroy seems poised to remain at number one.  For so long it's been Tiger and everyone else.  Phil Mickelson is fun to root for, but could never get over the hump until recently.

Tiger has tried everything to get his body into playing form.  His list of injuries include a bum knee, elbow and a bad back.  These are all injuries to end careers.  Tiger deserves a great deal of credit just for trying.  He is obviously in agonizing pain when he steps on the golf course.

If Tiger never regains form it was a great ride while it lasted.  At one point the only athlete that was comparable to Tiger was Michael Jordan.  Over time people will forget about the divorce fiasco.  Tiger is one of the greatest athletes the world has ever seen.  It's disappointing seeing him struggle to get back to an elite level.  This is the part of the game casual fans don't see.  The blood, sweat and tears that go into it.

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